Child abductions are on the rise, occurring daily in our city, which stands as the abduction capital of the country, with the border merely 30 minutes away.
In the face of the city's overextension, the responsibility falls upon us as parents to take preventative actions for our children.
This course is unlike your typical children's karate class.
Led by an experienced Instructor who has taught these specialized courses for decades in global hotspots, parents and children will learn together.
Each parent can accompany a maximum of two family children aged 10 and above.
Space is limited, and enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis, conducted discreetly behind closed doors.
Adults unaccompanied by their children are not permitted.
The cost is $247 per adult, with no charge for participating children.
Child Abduction Prevention Training will be held on April 7th from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM.
We reserve the right to refuse entry and/or instruction without explanation.